Wildlife Safari in Namibia – Important Things to Know

Whether you are looking for landscape photography, wildlife safaris, or stargazing, Namibia is the place for you. This country looks like a treat for nature lovers. Visitors can meet the Himba people here to learn several interesting facts about their culture and other things.

Himba jewelry here looks very unique, and the majority of tourists buy some for their loved ones at home. Namibia is also famous for fairy circles. It can be quite surprising to hear this, but the Namibian grassland has fairy circles, which are nothing but bald spots. Nobody knows why and how they are formed. Some fairy circles last for more than 50 years. Read on to learn about the wildlife that you can see during your safari trip. 


They look very interesting with long horns. Kudus are nothing but antelopes which has tall legs and can jump over a fence easily. They love eating shoots and leaves. For hydration, they eat various fruits like watermelon. When a female kudu is pregnant, it will be ready to leave its group to give birth to its baby. 

The surprising part is that after giving birth, it will leave its offspring in a hidden place for about 3 to 5 weeks. By the time the baby antelope turns 6 months old, it will start accompanying its mother for longer durations, and they rejoin their group. 

Spotted Hyenas

Spotted hyenas are mostly found in the water holes. They are amazing hunters and very intelligent. A spotted hyena will have very strong jaws. Compared to a leopard, its bite is deeper. They are usually spotted in the Buhsmanland regions, Kaokoland, and Kavango. Spotted hyenas give a very tough fight to leopards. 

When these hyenas sense an attack from a lion, they will attack the lion together in a group to kill it. They are known for their excellent teamwork. A spotted hyena hunts rabbits, birds, jackals, fish, and other animals for food. A baby spotted hyena exhibits its interest in hunting by the time it turns 6 months old. When it is one year old, it participates in hunting with the remaining hyenas. A spotted hyena in a zoo lives for a maximum of 25 years. 


The Namibian elephants look very interesting, with longer legs and shorter bodies. Their feet look very long. They can easily walk up to 70km to find food and water. They mostly travel in groups to find water and food. They look so beautiful when they move in groups with baby elephants. The African desert elephants learn to survive even in the worst weather. The biggest threat is from humans to African elephants. 


These animals have black stripes on their white body, and they look very beautiful. They can happily live in hot weather. It is the lions that attack them often. They have very strong feet, which helps them run fast during an attack. They can even break the jaw of a lion with their kick. 

Plan your wildlife safari to enjoy watching the wildlife in Namibia!

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About the Author: Danny White