Retiring Abroad? These are the Top 5 Locations for British Retirees

Many retirees dream of being able to sell up and move to sunnier climes. With no job to tie you down and with children grown-up and moved out, retirement presents a new chapter in life, with the chance for new beginnings and the opportunity to spend your days how you choose. That’s why moving aboard is a step that more than a million British retirees have taken. 

In this article, we look at the best and most popular locations that Brits choose to retire to. 


The Iberian country remains the most popular overseas retirement destination amongst Brits for a number of reasons. Firstly, it has long been a popular holiday destination, and will evoke memories of family holidays for many. Having visited in the past creates a sense of familiarity, with people knowing first-hand what the climate and culture is like. 

Secondly, the cost of living is significantly lower than in the UK. Retirees living in Spain can look to save as much as 30% on general goods and amenities compared to their counterparts who have remained in the UK, without having to sacrifice on quality or luxury. Property is also more affordable, opening opportunities to those of a lower socio-economic background. 

There are approximately 350,000 UK citizens living in Spain, so another pull factor is that there is an established community of expats who speak the same language and share similar values. English is spoken widely, and Spanish is one of the easier languages to pick up, meaning there shouldn’t be a huge language barrier. 


A former-British colony with an outstanding climate, Malta boasts over 3000 hours of sunny weather each year. Being a former colony also has its benefits as English is an official language and spoken by early all inhabitants. There is also the familiarity of driving on the left and three-point plug sockets.

Malta is also just a three-hour flight from the UK, meaning it is accessible, while also having a similar cost of living. 

Having said this, Brexit has made it somewhat more difficult to move to, as you will need to go through immigration, a process for which it is advised you hire a lawyer. 


With its alluring laid back lifestyle, fine wine and food along with rolling countryside and good climate, France is a popular option for retirees looking to move abroad. 

It’s geographically close to the UK, with the option to drive between the two countries. It’s easy to see why France is so popular, with art galleries, cafes and fine restaurants aplenty and the opportunity to live among the vineyards in the south. 

It is usually comparable or a bit more expensive than living in the UK, so it is advised that you have a healthy pension pot. English speaking is also less frequent, so it may be worth brushing up on your French before taking the decision to move. 


A country that has seen a surge in tourism over the past decade or so, Croatia is now a popular retirement destination. It benefits from a very low cost of living, with day-to-day life costing around half of what it would in the UK. 

It also has an exceptional climate with plenty of nature. The city of Split a popular destination, with beaches, historical architecture and mountains. 

There are many cheap flights to and from Croatia from the UK, so it is accessible and affordable for friends and family to visit. 


The warm climate and similarity to the UK in terms of culture and language are two major pull factors for retirees to move to Australia. If you can get over living on the other side of the world and the accompanying long travel times, Australia has plenty to offer. 

There is a high standard of living, although this is reflected in the cost of living, being more expensive than the UK. 

A move to Australia is better suited to those who have fewer ties holding them down in the UK. It will be difficult, if not impossible, for family and friends to visit regularly and the time difference means keeping in contact can be hard too. 

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About the Author: Donald Phillips